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Saturday, October 02, 2010

Marcy Returns

Marcy rounding breakwater

On a blustery and cold afternoon in Puget Sound, after spending the night in Port Madison, we dressed Marcy with signal flags and foreign courtesy flags of various countries we had visited. It seemed appropriate for Marcy to celebrate the end of all those miles on the water. Thinking that we looked suitably festive, we headed out for the short hop across the water to Shilshole.

turn to dock

After rounding the breakwater, as we drew close to “H” dock, we spotted a group of loyal Marcy fans huddled in the lee of the gas dock office. We circled, tied up, champagne was poured, toasts were toasted, and suddenly it was the end - we were home.

P and G

The flags snapped in the chill breeze as Ginger explains the countries. Hmmm, was that Mauritius or Namibia?

looking at flags

It was wonderful to see friends, chat, catch up, meet blog readers for the first time and sip champagne.

chatting on dock

So it's over, and people ask, “What's next?” We're asking that question ourselves. We're still a bit overwhelmed and aren't sure what to think or say. We do know that we loved the adventure of sailing around the world and if we could, we would do it again. But for now, we're tied to the float on F dock and re entangling ourselves in all of the mundane details of life in the states – licenses, insurance, jobs. As the philosophical Argentines taught us to say, "Es lo que hay."
